Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

de LIMA poncho

Yey... my new poncho from Grany square pattern.
There's little bit difficult and need more patient to join one square to one square again :)
material from : Rayon yarn
This poncho can be used for some models :)
for order and product inquiry 
just text me or via WhatsApp   +628180 5996 333  
or email me at aprilianawijaya@gmail.com 



Hello Loly! This my story about Eid Holiday :)
I went to Jakarta with my cousin, uncle grand father/mother and with my grand pa's friend. This time is first time I went Jakarta ;) hahahaha.
There are lil bit photoshoot taking by me and my uncle, Cris. He is my uncle but I call him bro, because he only five years older than me. hahaha. We leave Semarang at 6.am on august 17th, and arrived in Jakarta at 2am 18th. long and tiring journey :D. Traffic Jam almost 80km when want to Toll ( but i can't remember the name of toll :P) In jakarta, we went to Central Park mall, Taman Anggrek, then family gathering, and went to Cisarua - Taman Safari. Taman Safari, is a great place that i went! Wonderfull zoo with wonderfull animals!
my uncle, Liem, Yong me and my cousin, Melina. :D
Brothe Chris. hahahaha... he is strong!!
The only driver from Semarang to Jakata to Semarang again!
Nice view... :D 
Save our Elephant!
He is my grandfather :D
Taking photoshoot with a lionet :D
Unfortunately, in Safari Park we can't go some places. Looked penguin, snake, waterrfall and another places in the Safari. A lot of interesting performances like sircuss, safari night are presented during Eid Holiday. and we can't enjoy them. But it's okey. Perhaps at other times we can visit Safari again. :D
Central Park mall. 
Central Park mall have park that we can show ability like dancing, photograph,
and meet other community.

Taken photo with Sugar Glider on Nylon Glider lovers community.

Nasi Campur Putri Kenanga
Spaghetti Ice Cream
See ya !
4 days in Jakarta is so fun and i really enjoy the trip!
Hopefully i can go to Jakarta againn and go to some places and met another people!

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Crazy Promo

Hello Sobat Loly di seluruh Indonesia!!!
Setelah libur lebaran yang panjang, sekarang saatnya kita beraktivitas kembali!!!
Teman - teman ada yang mau bikin kartu nama?! Label? Brosur atau prin A3..
mampir di Primascan aja! Ada promo seru dari kita untuk kalian semua!
Buat adek - adek yang masih mengemban tugas kuliah atau masih sekolah, tugas udah mulai numpuk kan? Butuh prin dengan kualitas bagus? Mampir ke Primascan aja yuk! 
Harganya bersahabat dan kualitas nya oke punya! 
Prin brosur Gratis 1 Box Kartu Nama!
Nih yang mau prin foto keluarga, foto bareng sahabat, atau foto bareng pacar... Kesini juga bisa..
Tersedia berbagai ukuran :D!
 Bingung prin banner ? yuk mampir sini :)
1 Box Kartu Nama FULL COLOR cuman 25.000. A3+ Rp 3500 ajaaa..
Nah ini buat adek - adek yang mau ngeprin PR sekolah / tugas kuliah / skripsi atau buat presentasi.....
disini ajaa.. irit loo!
Buat temen2 yang mau pasang Event Desk,, Bisa juga dibuat di Primascan.
Mau contoh Event Desk yang sudah jadi? Lolypop pake juga nihhh! Event desk ini portable, ringkas dan mudah dibawa kemana - mana...
So... buat kamu yang lagi pusing dengan urusan cetak - mencetak.. Mampir Primascan aja!
Melayani pemesanan online via Facebook.
Click Facebook Primascan sekarang juga untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Rainbow Bow Hat

Hello Monday! Hello Loly Buddies?!
How's your holiday ? My holiday is so great vacation with my family :) 
And hopefully your monday start with full spirit to work!
This morning, I watched news tv and hear about forest fire :( I really sad about this news.
Why humans so cruel... Please use your brain with heart. There are so many animals and tree in the forest.
Lets we live together and make the earth more friendly! :D 
I love animals.... I love tree! Lets save them!! 

hmm.... first post from holiday.... i write about hat for kids,
Owl hat is best seller from Lolypop, and rainbow bow hat for new item.
for order and product inquiry 
just text me or via WhatsApp   +628180 5996 333  
or email me at aprilianawijaya@gmail.com 


Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Merdeka & EID!

Autumn Blooms Hairband 1

part of Independence Day!
Hello Autumn! Meet Lolypop Collection.. Blooming on Autumn!
Colorfull and unique flower will make you beauty :)
Collect Lolypop's Collection on autumn! Ready stock 1 pcs  

for order and product inquiry 
just text me or via WhatsApp   +628180 5996 333  
or email me at aprilianawijaya@gmail.com 


Baby Bandana

New collection Baby bandana from Lolypop :D
Ready stock item. 1 stock / design.
This can be restock again :) Pm me for order :D

for order and product inquiry 
just text me or via WhatsApp   +628180 5996 333  
or email me at aprilianawijaya@gmail.com 


Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012


Collarrrr!! Ready stock item :)
Lovely collar from crochet :D
Mix with your shirt / dress, You can look more girly and sweet...
Material from : Rayon Yarn

for order and product inquiry 
just text me or via WhatsApp   +628180 5996 333  
or email me at aprilianawijaya@gmail.com 


Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Vella Syawl

Material from Soft Cotton small
hmm.. This Syawl make from Grany square pattern,this pattern consist from square shape and we must joining one by one. this syawl is quite difficult to join the square pattern and combining that color...
But it's okey :) This syawl make me happy  ..  Lovely color and have an unique shape.

for order and product inquiry 
just text me or via WhatsApp   +628180 5996 333  
or email me at aprilianawijaya@gmail.com 


Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012


See my bazaar on August 5th :) at Unika Soegijpranata

See you on next bazzaar